Jag läste en intressant artikel i tidningen Hälsa & Fitness som jag köpte för några dagar sedan. Det handlade om en träningsform, Budokon (i tidningen har de dock stavat fel och bara skrivit "budoko") som är en blandning mellan modern och traditionell yoga och kampsporter.
Budokon står för japanskans bu "krigare", do som i "väg" (samma som budo "krigarens väg") och kon som i "andlighet/själen". Vilket kan översättas till "krigarens spirituella väg" eller "den spirituella krigarens väg".
Sporten grundades 2000 utav Cameron Shayne som är en bland världens kändaste yoga och kampsportstränare.
Budokon is a living art. By that I mean it is the art of living. It is your waking and your sleeping, your walking and your sitting, your living and your dying. I cannot say that it is more special than any other art. In fact, it is not special at all. It is the practitioner who brings all that the art is, all that the art will ever be. Budokon is not about gaining ideas. There is nothing to gain from it. It is simply a way. Our way is the Zen way. We are not a religion or a devotional practice. We do not practice to become enlightened. We practice because we are enlightened. If you are seeking something in order to gain something, this is the wrong practice. Budokon is empty of gaining ideas. If you believe there is something to gain from it, you will always be disappointed by it. This is the first lesson in our art. We must come to it, like all things, with a pure mind, free from attachment and gaining ideas. This is why we suffer. Budokon is freedom from suffering, nothing more.- Cameron Shayne
Hemsida: budokon
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